

The Faculty of the Royal Jordanian Geographical Center for Surveyive and Geospatial Sciences congratulates its students who passed the comprehensive exam for the spring course for the academic year…
The family of the Royal Jordanian Geographical Center College of Surveying and Geospatial Sciences, represented by the Dean and the administrative and teaching staff, from the kindness of the…
The participation of the Geographical Center and the College of the Royal Jordanian Geographical Center for Surveying and Geospatial Sciences in the Universities Forum / Professions Day held in the…
Reception of new students on Sunday, March 13, 2022 to mark the start of the school year The Faculty of the Royal Jordanian Geographical Center for Surveyive and Geospatial Sciences organized a…
The Council of the Commission for Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions and Quality Assurance approved on Wednesday 2/3/2022 in its session No. (8/2022) headed by Prof. Dr. Dhafer Yousef Al-…
The Higher Committee for the Intermediate University Certificate Examination (comprehensive) decided to hold a spring session, during which it identified the categories of students who are entitled…